Go Deeper

Towards the end of last year I read an article that really resonated with me. As someone who is forever picking up a new thing, easily defeated if I'm not instantly good at it, lacking patience and leaving behind endless half finished projects and half baked ideas, a depth year is pretty welcome in 2018. What better time to contemplate going deeper, not wider than the beginning of a fresh new year?

So here I am, restarting this blog, my little internet home where I grew alongside a small group of lovely ladies - Wonderful Wednesday-ers I'm looking at you - and I'm thinking about all those other projects that brought me joy but I either didn't try hard enough to fit them in, or I allowed myself to be so intimidated that I stopped practicing.

I don't believe in the new year, new me philosophy. I'm quite happy to plod along and get to know my little flawed self better. So here are a few things that I've picked up over the last year or two and want to practice and enjoy without judgement or fear: hula hooping, watercolours and digital illustration, making my own candles, photography, yoga, my TBR pile.

I would invite you to pick up something long since put down and left to gather dust., to grow deeper, not wider. If yoga is also on your list then say hello via Twitter where Kelly, Cat and I will be supporting each other through YWA's True practice throughout January. It's always easier to stick to something when you have people to cheer you on.

Happy New Year!

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